Have A Mystery Dinner Party!
Each party is like a mystery play acted out by you and your friends throughout a delicious, 4-course meal. Your guests get invitations with detailed character descriptions and costume suggestions. When your guests arrive to your venue dressed up and in character, they receive player booklets with scripts to read aloud and clues to share with the group during each course of the meal. Then after dessert everyone shares their best guesses at whodunnit and The Final Verdict is read aloud to reveal the shocking truth. Finally, everyone votes for Best Detective, Best Actor/Actress, and Best Costume, and the winners are awarded beautiful certificates and prizes. It’s a great excuse to dress up, eat good food, and laugh out loud with friends on a night no one will forget!

Everything You Need For A Mystery Dinner Party!

Check Out What Everybody’s Saying!
“If you are like me and want to add a little fun to your next dinner party than I suggest Supper Sleuths! They are affordable and a blast to play! You will enjoy laughing and growing bonds between family and friends! There is nothing that sounds better in my opinion…“
– Krista, HeavenlySavings.net
“We had a great time laughing and trying to figure out who the murderer really was…the experience was great and I’d highly recommend Supper Sleuths to anyone looking for a fun evening with friends or family!“
– Marisha, FrugallyMarisha.com
This spot reserved for excited comments from you and your guests after you make some of the most hilarious memories of your lives playing Supper Sleuths Mystery Dinner Party Games!
- You, Best Party Host Ever

WARNING: The following people should NOT play our games…
Those who routinely kill the mood or who murder a good joke, people with a pathological fear of the unknown, persons born with a defective imagination or who have a handicapped sense of humor, or anyone who has any REAL association with an actual murder. If you fit any of the above, DO NOT play our games! Consider yourself warned!