You will play the role of Misty Pinch!

Misty, the Supper Sleuths formally thank you for patronizing us with your estimable presence. First of all, the upcoming competition at the Santa’s Apprentice program in London’s glamorous Knightsbridge will be covered by every periodical around the globe. Make sure you run the show with your best Dickensonian manners, because you’re representing Santa’s good name all over.

By the way, below is your invitation, in case you need a reminder. Librarians get so many book club invites this time of year, and you absolutely must politely let the others know you’ll need this day and possibly many more off work also!

Background Info

Full Name: “Misty Pinch.” I was named for Ruth Pinch, a Dickensonian slight woman who was known for her decorum.

Favorite Animal: “Stubbs, my horse at Bleak House of course. That’s my affectionate name for my cottage. It’s a Dicken’s reference for the non-literary among us. Either that or my cat, Nibbles.”

Favorite Vacation Destination: “The Charles Dickens Museum right here in London, undoubtedly.”

Favorite Color: “ I assume you ask for attire purposes. Any blouse with a high neckline, preferably in gray with and on festive occasions, a blouse trimmed in red. Will Santa’s Apprentice have a uniform? I love those as well.”

Favorite Food: Stubblegoose on Michaelmas and Sage Goose on Christmas of course, with stuffing and applesauce. I never vary. There is no need. These items, found in “A Christmas Carol” are the essence of food, glorious food.

Favorite Song: “Consider Yourself” from the Oliver musical.

You’re a mean one, Misty Pinch! You are a cranky, judgmental e-librarian who’s utterly indignant that no one can seem to remember the true meaning of Christmas these days! And this is the only reason you left your cozy flat and furry feline Nibbles to fight for the position of Santa’s next apprentice. You believe Dickens would do us all some good, and that A Christmas Carol should be mandated reading in all schools of the world. Ask if anyone would like to borrow it from you and then snap disappointment and shake your head in disapproval if anyone says no. Ask for only good old-fashioned Christmas music to be played and traditional Christmas feast fare to be served. You tsk and wag your finger at anything that doesn’t meet your high and lofty standards, but is the prim and proper Pinch only playing innocent?

Costume Suggestions

Misty, your ideal look would be a long skirt or loose pants with a turtleneck and a corny Christmas vest. Wear a minimum of makeup and have your hair pulled back tight into a ponytail or neat bun. Glasses are a must along with a pencil resting atop your ear or held in your bun. Bring a laptop or tablet to pretend to check e-books out, and slips of paper so you can write little checkout slips, overdue notices, and fines. You do have a penchant for Mindy Sue’s warm traditional Christmas sweaters. Keep trying to sneak a peep inside her bag every now and again to get another sample!

One More Thing!

Be sure to visit to learn about other Supper Sleuths Mystery Dinner Games, to read about other characters who will attend your game, and for more helpful resources like costume and recipe tips to help you prepare for the occasion! Also, if you want an extra edge on figuring out whodunnit. Click here to visit our Sleuth School page for three quick tips guaranteed to make you a master of mystery in your night of murder mystery dinner fun!