Jim Hall, Welcome to Your Player Page!
You will play the role of Jim Hall
Full Name: James “Jim” Blanchard Hall
Favorite Animal: “My dog’s my best friend, undisputably, although my mother’s not too happy about it.”
Favorite Vacation Destination: “Anywhere but here.”
Favorite Color: “Maroon and gold, which is oddly enough, the color of my uniform. It was free, too, as long as I pay for the occasional dry cleaning!”
Favorite Food: “Microwave Pizza, TV dinners, most fast food places, whatever’s cheap, easy, and tastes good.”
Favorite Song: “Anything by Zeppelin. That’s my era, man!”
You are the head security guard at The Rall and the only security on staff tonight for this small gathering. You feel powerful as the man in charge, and like to make sure others around you are following the daytime rules of the museum even though you are under no obligation to do so. Make sure to “shhhh..” people who are getting loud, and tell people not to touch anything that could break. Direct people to the restroom even if the party is not at your home, and try to prevent anyone from using vulgar language. You are very helpful towards Ms. Lipton as she is a big tipper, even though she rattles your nerves with her demanding attitude.
Costume Suggestions
One More Thing!
Be sure to visit www.suppersleuths.com to learn about other Supper Sleuths Mystery Dinner Games, to read about other characters who will attend your game, and for more helpful resources like costume and recipe tips to help you prepare for the occasion! Also, if you want an extra edge on figuring out whodunnit? click here to visit our Sleuth School page for three quick tips guaranteed to make you a master of mystery in your night of murder mystery dinner fun!