At The Stroke Of Murder – Mystery Party Game


At the Stroke of Murder is a hilarious mystery dinner party game to be played by 8-20 friends throughout a 4-course gourmet meal. Guests will dine on the finest French cuisine and act out the antics of two hillbilly American tourists, a crazy psychiatrist, a failing British rock star, a beautiful ballerina, a famous French chef, and many others who have come to Paris to bring in the New Year with European flare when a famous scientist is murdered at the stroke of midnight! (Download a Free Sample!)


at-the-stroke-of-murderAt the Stroke of Murder is a hilarious mystery dinner party game to be played by 8-20 friends throughout a 4-course gourmet meal. Guests will dine on the finest French cuisine and act out the antics of two hillbilly American tourists, a crazy psychiatrist, a failing British rock star, a beautiful ballerina, a famous French chef, and many others who have come to Paris to bring in the New Year with European flare when a famous scientist is murdered at the stroke of midnight! (Download a Free Sample!)

At The Stroke Of Murder Product Photo

The Delicious Recipes
Baked Brie with Spinach Dip
Fancy French Onion Soup
Salade de Carottes Rapes
Ratatouille to Die For
Chicken Cordon Bleu
French Silk Pie
Tarte Au Sucre
Fine French Lace Cookies
Recipe Details and Download

The Main Characters

Jacques Charles: Head chef at Le Prix with his own syndicate cooking show, Jacques is a concentrated and methodical man, whose schemes will prove to keep the night as spicy as anyone could request. (Costume suggestions and more!)

Brandy Slake: A youthful waitress struggling to make ends meet, Brandy has always lived a predictably flat life. Would she dare make a move tonight that would get her the spotlight she has always secretly craved? (Costume suggestions and more!)

Logan Hardley: In Europe for the first time, Mr. Hardley is an American widower who struck it rich with an Internet video last year and decided to honeymoon with his fourth wife here after only three months of mourning. (Costume suggestions and more!)

Julie Hardley: A self-described true American Beauty, this perky bride is happy to be in another country and even happier to spend all of her husband’s money. But will her preliminary marital bliss be shortened by her haunting history? (Costume suggestions and more!)

Celeste Pardon: This beautiful but quirky front desk clerk will answer of all of your questions, including telling you the time in five different languages. But when it comes to answering the most important of questions Celeste may have to beg your pardon. (Costume suggestions and more!)

Jake Spaulding: A British rock star that has just topped the pop charts, Mr. Spaulding is a tad cocky and a more than a tad gorgeous, especially appealing since he has just gotten dumped by the queen of pop herself. But even Mr. Spaulding’s suave songs can’t conceal all of his shams.
(Costume suggestions and more!)

Madeline LaBelle: A true prima donna, Madeline is a hard working passionate, and driven ballerina; she is equally as passionate about her popularity. Would she risk a tour de force to make sure things stay in her favor? (Costume suggestions and more!)

Jean Paul Brughni: A curious Freudian psychiatrist, Mr. Brughni will be analyzing everyone and their mother to death. But when the tables have turned, will his he pass his own biased psychological tests? (Costume suggestions and more!)

Gustav Massé: This dignified owner of Le Prix Chateau is in shock over the tumultuous way his grand opening has gone. Gustav is normally a wonderful host, but when things go sour, you’ll be wishing you’d booked a room anywhere but here! (Costume suggestions and more!)

Genevieve Massé: Temperamental wife to Gustav, Genevieve is a sensitive, beautiful damsel in distress. But don’t trouble her, as Vivey’s tears can trigger a major temper tantrum. Laugh along at the crazy up and downs only Mrs. Massé can bring to your next dinner party!
(Costume suggestions and more!)

10 Extra Guests for Larger Parties

Emilié Laurent: Fashionable and worldly interior designer of Le Prix Chateau, Ms. Laurent wants red-carpet treatment. When her majesty is met with this undistinguished crowd, Ms. Laurent’s décor may be the only thing to remain intact!

Antoine Martin: Trés cheap Mr. Martin is thrilled over his luck at winning an overnight stay at Le Prix Chateau. But when murder strikes in town, his fantasies of a good night’s rest are farther away than his own bed!

Elodié Fournier: This bakery owner is enjoying being under the same roof as the great Chef Jacques Charles. But when Ms. Fournier can’t keep her food critiques and suggestions to herself, how far can Mr. Charles’ already waning patience last?

Leo Wiles: Leo is a walking medicine cabinet full of anxiety, phobias, and a bad case of loneliness. But since laughter is the best medicine, watch Leo come alive as he makes new friends, reunites with old, and helps solve a mystery more complex than even his own four-axis diagnosis!

Mercy Beaucoup: A French maid with a zest for cleanliness, Mercy’s a pretty and polite French lady but don’t cross her with crumbs! This lovely lady also loves giving a lesson in French etiquette and manners that you won’t want to miss, non? Non!

Clement Perdanté: This soccer (French football) player is out of his league, but cannot admit that his winning season is permanently over. This narcissist is fishing for compliments and may stop at nothing to get back into the headlines.

Charlotte Rook: Distant cousin to American character Julie Hardley, Miss Rook wants to share everything with her cousin, including Julie’s new inheritance! Groan at Charlotte’s playful but pretentious antics and laugh along at the tackiest family reunion in town!

Bailey Trowlbridge: Mr. Trowlbridge is on a deadline for work that mustn’t be interrupted. This grouchy but ultimately loveable crank is a tough case to crack, but when the night wears on and he loses precious shut-eye, some may wish they’d let sleeping bears lie!

Anastasia Bugatti: Ms. Bugatti likes everything fast, and this night couldn’t be any more thrilling for a girl who can’t sit still. But this pretty “girl next door” may not be who she pretends to be just as all that glitters is not gold!

Julien Voleur: Julien may profess to be a poor entrepreneur but this man’s worth his weight in gold – other people’s that is! Julien’s on a quest to break a bad habit but can a leopard really change his spots? Laugh along but don’t let go of your valuables when Julien’s on the loose!

Please Note: All characters, places, events, and situations appearing in Supper Sleuths games are purely fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, places, events or situations is not intended and is purely coincidental.