Crime Scene Christmas: A Merry Mystery Party Game


Merry Christmas and Congratulations!  You made it to the next round of the competition to become Santa’s next apprentice, and now it’s time to meet up with the head ho-ho honcho himself! We’d like to formally invite you to attend an exclusive Christmas Celebration at the Claus Cabin on the Christmas, Inc European Satellite Campus in London. But freeze, hold it right there! There’s a blizzard blowing in with a forecast of mystery, magic, and murder that will put Christmas on thin ice! Now you and 8-20 other contestants are suspects who must solve this merry mystery or end up at the top of the naughty list!

SKU: ChristmasGameKit Category: Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Mystery at the MoviesMerry Christmas and Congratulations! You made it to the next round of the competition to become Santa’s next apprentice, and now it’s time to meet up with the head ho-ho honcho himself! We’d like to formally invite you to attend an exclusive Christmas Celebration at the Claus Cabin on the Christmas, Inc European Satellite Campus in London. But freeze, hold it right there! There’s a blizzard blowing in with a forecast of mystery, magic, and murder that will put Christmas on thin ice! Now you and 8-20 other contestants are suspects who must solve this merry mystery or end up at the top of the naughty list!




Delicious Recipes
Figs in A Blanket
Christmas Tree Charcuterie w/Cheese Ball
& Cranberry Walnut Bread
Reindeer Food
Chestnut Soup
Cranberry, Feta, and Walnut Salad
London Broil (Roast Beast)
Christmas Tree Cookies
Sticky Toffee Pudding
See Detailed Recipes!

The Main Characters

Mindy Sue Lewis - This former child actress holiday movie star is now on a mission to bring Christmas joy to the world. She knits non-ugly sweaters and custom Christmas cardi’s for a little jingle in her stocking. However, when her Christmas fantasy starts to unravel, let’s just say she emotionally comes apart at the seams!

Jolly Gimballs - This emo elf pronounces her name “Jolie,'' as jolly she is anything but! She loves wearing black and grey as it matches her outlook on life. Jolie couldn’t care less about Christmas spirit. In fact, she’s been begging Mr. and Mrs. Claus to cut out commercialized Christmas for years. But has she gone so far as to cut out Santa?

Martha Mayfield - This gaudy gal believes she is the single greatest example of Christmas spirit the world has ever seen, and she loves nothing more than boasting about what wonderful things she’s doing in the name of Christmas. But pride comes before the fall, and this time she’s done something she’s not proud of!

Misty Pinch - This judgmental, cranky librarian is utterly indignant that no one can seem to remember the true meaning of Christmas these days! She believes a little Dickens would do us all some good, and wags her finger at anything that doesn’t meet her high and lofty standards. But is the prim and proper Pinch only playing innocent?

Devon Mack Alister – This has-been Christmas hero with Peter Pan syndrome doesn’t have many friends these days, as most people just can’t handle his wisecracks and practical jokes (which have been known to go way too far!) But with so much riding on the line tonight, could he have another trick up his sleeve?

Jacque Frostier - This self-made billionaire tech mogul, made himself rich and famous by inventing the coolest high tech tools to predict the weather and harness the energy of the aurora borealis for intercontinental flight. But hold it right there, freeze, there’s a chance of mystery in the forecast that will put Christmas on thin ice!

Robert Ratchet – This humble, kind-hearted man works long hours at the office to keep food on the table for his family of nine children, not to mention the many medical bills for his ailing son. He feels desperate to win this thing, and desperate times call for desperate measures. The question is, just what is he willing to do?

Evan Scrunge – This wealthy, shrewd businessman has pulled himself up by his own bootstraps to work his way up from rags to riches. But beware, he’s burned a lot of bridges to get to where he is today, and there’s a rumor spreading that Scrunge may try to surpass apprentice for the role of head honcho himself!

Rudy Buck – This real-life reindeer rancher from rural Manitoba is strong, skilled, but simple-minded, and a tad on the clumsy side. Though the odds might be slim that Santa would choose someone like him to guide anything, let alone his entire European Satellite Campus, he’s dead-set on making sure he goes down in history!

Ginger Bredman - This sweetie is famous not only for her gorgeous looks, but also her beautiful baked goods and the biggest and best cookie exchange every year! No one ever gets a peek at her legendary recipes, but what else is she hiding? Could it be that her breadcrumbs have left a trail to a skeleton in her closet?


10 Extra Guests for Larger Parties

*Each extra character comes with an invitation, costume suggestions, character summary, and more!

Chrissy Kringle: Chrissy and her Rocking Around the Christmas Tree routine supposedly kept Santa and Mrs. Claus fit for the big night. But what if was Chrissy’s power moves that led Santa to the brink of disaster?

Holly Spruce: Holly’s ready to clean up any spills or wrap any present in record speed. It’s spooky to think how fast she may have cleaned up a crime scene.

Jules Belles: Jules loves to sing carols. She’s here as a last-minute contestant on Santa’s Apprentice and she’s ready to sing her way to the top. But what else is her music drowning out?

Marley Matters: Marley is there to remind everyone of the good old days as well as to remind people of their misconduct! Just how far would Marley go to remind Santa of his past mistakes?

Laura Frank: Laura’s bah-humbugging everything about Christmas so she can scurry to sit on her pool deck of her Christmas cruise. Could she allow her fantasy of fun and sun to sabotage Santa for good?

Lex Frank: Lex is so proud of his annual lights display and he’s not about to let his wife ruin his chance to show Santa his LED winter wonderland! How far will Lex get tangled up in his lights fiasco to make sure he wins?

Margo Sweater: A neighbor in Santa’s new posh London neighborhood, bigshot Margo doesn’t find his sleigh double-parked on her lawn cute at all. She’s told him to get that sleigh off her lawn or else!

Ralph Clark: Ralph has a one-track mind for what he wants, and he’s fast and furiously after Santa to get it. How far will he go to make sure he gets everything he wants on his Christmas list?

Jorge Bautista: Jorge is a cameraman who’s skeptical the real Santa will ever show. He wants to develop his film and get out of the way of the “Christmas crazies” as fast as he can. But what if an image develops about him?

Marvin Harrison: Marvin may profess to be a poor parolee but this man’s sweating like he’s still on the run. Marvin wants to thank Santa for encouraging him in prison. Or is it revenge he wants for putting him there?