Rolo Reed, Welcome to Your Player Page!

Rolo, the Supper Sleuths formally thank you, as head waiter, for your offering of service to your fellow partygoers on a very special occasion.  Rest assured, the exquisite gala at The Rall Museum is guaranteed to be a night to remember.  Make sure you look your dashingest, as your picture may be splashed among the society section of the Cosmopolitan Cryer the following day!  Of course, looking professional and creating an attractive ambiance won’t be hard at all for a man who is used to serving royalty in Mother England! By the way, below is your invitation, in case you need a reminder.  Keep your eyes wide open as you observe not only the art and its motifs, but your fellow players and their motives!

You will play the role of Rolo Reed

Full Name: Rolo Gingham Reed.

Favorite Animal: “Our English Sheepdog, Swift, aside from her dreadfully long hair.”

Favorite Vacation Destination: “I’ve always wanted to take me Libby on a jaunt to Disney. What a hoot we’d have there!”

Favorite Color: “Midnight Blue, like me Libby’s eyes.”

Favorite Food:  “Anything I’m not asked to serve!”

Favorite Song: “I like Adele and Coldplay.”

As head waiter of tonight’s event, your role is to assist the host with the meal, to assist with seating, and to give very specific and random instructions to guests about etiquette and what goes where. Make it plain to all that you are not a murder suspect. Be sure to use a strong British accent as you and your wife, Libby, are immigrants from the U.K. You are a man of refinement and good taste. You care about your wife Libby more than anything, so if she is also present, devote a lot of attention to her.

Costume Suggestions

You can dress to the nines in a white dress shirt, bowtie, black suit jacket and slacks with cumberbund or suspenders. Part your hair very straight, slicked down with plenty of gel or spray.  If possible bring a white cloth to go over your arm, and a monacle or formal pair of glasses. You want the mannequin-like of formality.

Check out this site for some funny British slang/phrases to use throughout the game: British Phrases and Slang

One More Thing!

The Supper Sleuths want to give you a special clue to help figure out whodunnit? as a token of appreciation for your special visit to our site! Here it is: In this game, someone may be found to be bribing a newspaper big-shot. Don’t let this minor offense throw you off the track. Let the other evidence of the case guide you instead. Also, if you want an extra edge on figuring out whodunnit? visit our Sleuth School page for three quick tips guaranteed to make you a master of mystery in your night of murder mystery dinner fun!

Be sure to visit to learn about other Supper Sleuths Mystery Dinner Games, to read about other characters who will attend your game, and for more helpful resources like costume and recipe tips to help you prepare for the occasion!  Also, if you want an extra edge on figuring out whodunnit? click here to visit our Sleuth School page for three quick tips guaranteed to make you a master of mystery in your night of murder mystery dinner fun!